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The predecessor of this article is TEI0001-04-DBC83A. All changes are in the Product Change Notification (PCN).

The new FPGA IoT Maker Board that has been designed for end-to-end application development and optimised for cost. The Arrow MAX1000 board can be installed directly into a custom application or integrated on to a completely separate board. It has been created for start-ups, universities or established equipment manufacturers who want a flexible, low cost FPGA platform for development. Also customised variants can be supplied.

At the heart of the maker board is a compact (11x11mm) Altera® MAX®10 FPGA with 8000 logic elements. This single chip includes integrated flash memory, a 1Msps 12bit ADC for analogue signals and a 3.3V power supply. Other features include embedded SRAM, DSP blocks, instant-on within milliseconds, and the ability to implement Altera® NIOS II soft core embedded processor to perform microcontroller tasks.

The MAX1000’s power can be supplied as 5V from the USB port or via a separate pin. An Enpirion DC/DC converter with integrated coil then generates the 3.3V supply used on board. A MEMS oscillator provides the clock supply for the FPGA and the USB bridge. The low power, 3-axis acceleration sensor – also based on MEMS technology – can be used for position and motion detection, which are often required in IoT applications. External SDRAM can be used for storage of application data or as memory for the NIOS II processor.

To provide an easy introduction into the use of FPGAs, a series of demo projects with NIOS II soft IP controllers are provided with the MAX1000. Eight configurable LEDs are available to display status and user inputs can be made via two buttons. A two row connector, based on the Arduino MKR standard, and a Pmod plug provide flexible connectivity options including the ability to attach adaptor boards for wireless ICs or sensors.

Source: Arrow Electronics



  • 1 x TEI0001-04-DBC87A Trenz Electronic FPGA module with Altera® MAX®10 FPGA



製品名 価格(税別)  
TEI0001-04-DBC87A ¥6,880カートに入れる